OrderedDictionary Properties

Wintellect PowerCollections

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public class OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class OrderedDictionary(Of TKey, TValue)
Visual C++
generic<typename TKey, typename TValue>
public ref class OrderedDictionary

Type Parameters


The type exposes the following properties.

Public Properties

Public propertyComparer
Returns the IComparer<T> used to compare keys in this dictionary.
Public propertyCount
Returns the number of keys in the dictionary.
(Overrides CollectionBase<(Of <KeyValuePair<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>>)>..::Count.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value associated with a given key. When getting a value, if this key is not found in the collection, then an ArgumentException is thrown. When setting a value, the value replaces any existing value in the dictionary.
(Overrides DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::Item[([TKey])].)
Public propertyKeys
Returns a collection of the keys in this dictionary.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Public propertyValues
Returns a collection of the values in this dictionary. The ordering of values in this collection is the same as that in the Keys collection.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyICollection<(Of <T>)>..::IsReadOnly (Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyICollection..::IsSynchronized
Indicates whether the collection is synchronized.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyICollection..::SyncRoot
Indicates the synchronization object for this collection.
(Inherited from CollectionBase<(Of <T>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDictionary..::IsFixedSize
Returns whether this dictionary is fixed size. This implemented always returns false.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDictionary..::IsReadOnly
Returns if this dictionary is read-only. This implementation always returns false.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDictionary..::Item
Gets or sets the value associated with a given key. When getting a value, if this key is not found in the collection, then null is returned. When setting a value, the value replaces any existing value in the dictionary. If either the key or value are not of the correct type for this dictionary, an ArgumentException is thrown.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDictionary..::Keys
Returns a collection of all the keys in the dictionary. The values in this collection will be enumerated in the same order as the (overridden) GetEnumerator method.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate propertyIDictionary..::Values
Returns a collection of all the values in the dictionary. The values in this collection will be enumerated in the same order as the (overridden) GetEnumerator method.
(Inherited from DictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>.)

See Also